UTSAV Testimonial - Krithika Satish

Hi Amba,

I know its too late but better late than never. Here goes my birth story..

I delivered a girl baby on Jan 8, 2015 and that too in the most natural way *:) happy. YAYYY!!! I had been waiting to get into labour since mid dec, just when the Dr said that the baby's head had settled pretty well. I was waiting since then, looking for each and every little cue.

I was in labor for 7hrs and I would like to list how UTSAV has helped me through out:

1) The first thing when in the labor ward, the Dr said lets do the internal examination. When i did that, the very moment i thought "Amba, what you said is right". Trust me, the exercises really helped. And this internal examination was done several times and i felt pretty OK.

2) Next comes the relaxation technique. In the first internal examination, however hard i tried to relax, it din't work out. But in the consequent internal examinations i prepared myself to relax well ahead and it worked out.

3) The main story comes here, "Contractions"!!!! The breathing techniques were real blessings! I did them in the same pattern taught during the classes. But as the contractions progressed i missed the pattern and did what made me more comfortable and YES it did work through out the delivery.
My mom and aunt were really amazed to see me deliver the baby without creating any fuss.

4)  My support person (hubby) was there to remind me to relax between contractions and also helped me to concentrate whenever required. Your classes really helped him to understand pregnancy better.

5) Watching the breastfeeding videos really helped.

6) I should say you motivated me to hold and handle my baby if not i would have left my mom to handle completely. And you wont believe even my hubby started practicing handling her from day 1. It is easy now for both of us to handle her.

7) Good news is i gained 13Kgs during pregnancy and I've already lost around 10Kgs. *O:-) angel

I would say being well informed solves half the mysteries and UTSAV has really helped to remove many myths, cleared many assumptions and understand pregnancy better. Thank you for being a part of my pregnancy*=D> applause
